Taylor Nielsen

Taylor Nielsen’s Death: Rapid City, Dakota Beloved Resident Has Died From Liver Disease

Taylor Nielsen

Taylor Nielsen’s Death: Rapid City, Dakota Beloved Resident Has Died From Liver Disease

Paul August 6, 2024

Taylor Nielsen Obituary, Death – Taylor Nielsen a cherished resident of Rapid City, Dakota has sadly passed away following a longtime battle with Alcohol-fueled liver disease which was as a result of excessive alcohol consumption. His death was made public in a social media post that reads thus ” I have been trying to process this loss over the last week. Taylor was someone my family and I saw as another brother through highschool and most of college. Over the last several years we have seen how addiction has slowly taken his life and who he once was.

Although this loss has been difficult, there is some comfort in knowing that he is at peace now and no longer fighting the grips of addiction. We can remember who Taylor was, all of the good he was, and honor his memory by continuing to raise awareness. I hope you’re catching all the fish up there!.”
Report Before Death 

Taylor Nielsen rests in a room with a view. The wall-to-wall windows feature midtown on an overcast afternoon in late March. The natural light makes the hospital room more tolerable but exposes just how yellow Taylor’s skin is. He drifts in and out of sleep. His dad, David Nielsen, hovers over his only child, places his right hand on Taylor’s swollen belly. He’s in excruciating pain. Fluid has bloated Taylor, pooling around his barely functioning liver.

David, 72, hopes his son’s suffering isn’t in vain. He encourages Taylor to share his experiences. “So we can help at least one to maybe thousands of people avoid going through this, right?” Taylor nods. Years of drinking have caught up with the 35-year-old. His liver has given out as have his kidneys. Taylor is dying.

All that can save him now is a liver transplant. He was flown from Monument Health Rapid City Hospital in South Dakota to Nebraska Medical Center in hopes of being approved. A nurse walks into Taylor’s room asking about the barely touched breakfast tray. “I got him to eat a couple of bites, that’s about it. He was having tummy aches, so it’s not a fun time to eat,” David adds.”

Funeral/Brial Arrangements 

Family will announce date a later time.