The attorney for Sean “Diddy” Combs has expressed disapproval of searches conducted on musicians’ residences.

The attorney for Sean “Diddy” Combs has expressed disapproval of searches conducted on musicians’ residences.

Paul April 10, 2024

An attorney for Sean “Diddy” Combs, who is the subject of a federal investigation, has commented on the searches conducted at two of the musician’s residences on Monday.

Aaron Dyer, the attorney for Diddy, stated to CNN on Tuesday that the execution of search warrants at Mr. Combs’ properties involved an excessive and inappropriate use of military-grade force. The authorities’ extreme display of force and hostility, as well as their mistreatment of his children and staff, is inexcusable.

Combs’ residences were searched on Monday due to his status as a subject of a federal investigation conducted by a Department of Homeland Security unit specializing in human trafficking offenses, as reported by a senior federal law enforcement officer familiar with the inquiry.

The investigation is being spearheaded by the US attorney for the Southern District of New York and conducted by the Transnational Organized Crime Division of the Department of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), according to the official who spoke to CNN. The HSI is tasked with the investigation of transnational criminal activities and threats, such as human trafficking, terrorism, narcotics smuggling, and other forms of organized criminal behavior.

The inquiry is based on the sexual assault allegations that have been raised in many civil lawsuits against Combs, as confirmed by a second law enforcement source who is knowledgeable about the searches conducted on Monday. Combs has previously refuted those accusations. Teams of highly equipped HSI agents conducted thorough searches of Combs’ properties in Los Angeles and the Miami area on Monday. Some agents traveled in armored vehicles due to the belief that Combs has armed private security personnel at each of his homes, according to a reliable source.

Agents were engaged in the task of handling paperwork on card tables positioned outside the residence in the Miami vicinity, while mobile command post vehicles were observable at both locations.

Agents were granted authorization to conduct searches for documents, phones, computers, and other electronic devices that contain data or videos, as stated by the second law enforcement source.

According to a law enforcement source, the searches conducted on Monday were connected to an ongoing investigation into sex trafficking.

The HSI in New York said on Monday that it carried out law enforcement operations as part of an ongoing investigation. These operations were conducted in collaboration with local law enforcement agencies and HSI units in Los Angeles and Miami. The HSI stated that it will release further information as it becomes accessible.

Dyer stated that Combs was never held in custody throughout the searches, but instead engaged in conversation with and assisted the authorities.

“Contrary to what the media has speculated, neither Mr. Combs nor any of his family members have been arrested, nor have they faced any restrictions on their ability to travel,” stated Dyer. “The unexpected surprise attack, combined with a well-organized media presence, results in a hasty and unfair judgment of Mr. Combs. It is merely a witch hunt driven by baseless accusations made in civil lawsuits.”

The statement clarified that none of these allegations have resulted in any criminal or civil liability. Mr. Combs maintains his innocence and is determined to persistently strive towards exonerating himself.

Combs and his twin adolescent girls were getting ready to depart from Miami for a scheduled spring break excursion on Monday when the searches occurred, according to a reliable source close to Diddy who has firsthand information about the case, as reported by CNN. The informant declined to provide Combs’ vacation location or present location.

According to a source, some who are close to Diddy believe that the FBI operation conducted at his homes in Los Angeles and Miami was excessively enthusiastic. The source reiterated certain aspects of the criticism over the activities of law enforcement as detailed in Dyer’s statement.

According to a source, Diddy’s close associates believe that the media was informed in advance about the search of his Los Angeles house, as a news helicopter was already present above his property before law officials entered.
There were five cases filed that accused someone of engaging in sexual misconduct.
Combs is facing allegations of sexual assault in five distinct lawsuits that have been filed in the past few months. Despite the accusations, the star has consistently denied any wrongdoing. The specific allegations that are being investigated in the federal probe are not clearly defined.

In November, the singer Casandra “Cassie” Ventura initiated legal proceedings against her former partner, Combs, by filing a lawsuit in the federal court located in New York’s southern district. The lawsuit claimed that Combs committed rape, coerced the victim into engaging in sex trafficking, and subjected her to various forms of maltreatment over a period of several years. The two parties reached a settlement for the lawsuit a few days afterwards.

According to Ben Brafman, Combs’ attorney, the choice to resolve the lawsuit did not imply any acknowledgement of guilt. Mr. Combs’ choice to resolve the litigation does not compromise his unequivocal rejection of the allegations. He expresses contentment that they reached a mutually agreeable resolution and extends his best wishes to Ms. Ventura.

One week later, Joi Dickerson-Neal initiated legal proceedings in New York, alleging that Combs had administered drugs to her and sexually assaulted her in 1991. Additionally, she claimed to have been subjected to “revenge porn” by the musician.

In December, an unidentified woman known as Jane Doe initiated a legal action in federal court, alleging that Combs engaged in sex trafficking and gang rape in 2003, when she was 17 years old.

Combs officially refuted the accusations stated in the December lawsuit through legal documents. He argued in court that the lawsuit should be dismissed due to the woman’s delayed filing, which has caused him to be unfairly disadvantaged in defending himself. In addition, he contended that the evidence might currently be inaccessible, misplaced, or tampered with, and that the capacity to identify witnesses, their availability, and their ability to recall events may be impaired due to the significant amount of time that has passed.

In addition, Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones, a former employee of Combs who worked as a producer and cinematographer, has filed a complaint alleging that Combs engaged in sexual assault and operated a criminal sex trafficking enterprise that posed a significant threat. The lawsuit was initiated at the federal court located in the southern district of New York.

The attorney for Combs refuted the accusations and characterized Jones’ assertions as “falsehoods.”

“His audacious mention of events that are entirely fabricated and clearly did not occur is merely a blatant effort to attract attention.” Last month, Diddy’s attorney, Shawn Holley, stated that we possess compelling and irrefutable evidence that his assertions are entirely false.

In a revised legal document submitted on March 12th, which was originally filed in New York in November, Liza Gardner alleged that Combs and singer Aaron Hall committed acts of physical assault and sexual misconduct against her in 1990, when she was 16 years old.

The lawsuit alleges that Gardner and a companion encountered Combs and Hall, who was then a member of the R&B ensemble Guy, at a social gathering. During the evening, Combs and Hall displayed flirty behavior and were physically affectionate towards Gardner and her friend. They also repeatedly offered them beverages, despite knowing that they were underage, as mentioned in the lawsuit.

Combs and Hall thereafter extended an invitation to the two individuals to join them at Hall’s residence for a post-event gathering. During this gathering, Gardner was coerced into consuming further alcoholic beverages and was subsequently compelled to engage in sexual intercourse with Combs against her explicit refusal. The lawsuit alleges that the individual in question experienced a state of extreme surprise and emotional distress. While in the process of dressing, Hall entered the room, restrained her, and coerced her into engaging in sexual activity against her will. According to the lawsuit, she promptly dressed herself and swiftly exited the apartment.

According to the lawsuit, the following day, Combs arrived at the residence where the plaintiff and her friend were staying and proceeded to physically attack and strangle Ms. Gardner with such force that she lost consciousness.

CNN has contacted Hall to get a comment. He has not yet made any public statements regarding the accusations.

Combs refuted the allegations in all of the lawsuits in a statement made in December.

“Sufficient is sufficient.” Over the past few weeks, I have observed silently while individuals have attempted to murder my character, dismantle my reputation, and undermine my legacy,” stated Combs. “I have been accused of disturbing actions by people seeking financial gain.” I want to emphasize that I am unequivocally denying any involvement in the heinous actions that are being accused against me. I am determined to vigorously defend my reputation, protect the well-being of my loved ones, and uphold the principles of honesty and accuracy.

Multiple claims claim that the wrongdoing was recorded on video.

In Ventura’s lawsuit, she alleged that Combs utilized his phone, laptop, and tablet to record their sexual encounters. Dickerson-Neal filed a lawsuit claiming to be a victim of “revenge porn,” asserting that Combs recorded her sexual assault and shared the footage with other individuals. In Jones’ lawsuit, he claimed to possess numerous hours of video and audio recordings capturing Mr. Combs, his employees, and his visitors participating in significant unlawful actions.